We are taught complementary colors in 6th grade, but often, we don't recognize the significance of color combinations until we see it done wrong.
Maybe you stumble on a website with an absurd mixture of yellow, pink, and black. Or, perhaps your brother decides to wear green pants with an orange shirt. These instances force you to recognize the importance of combining certain colors -- and not combining others.
Color combinations have the power to evoke certain emotions, and can even influence our perceptions. But creating beautiful design is more than just ensuring you're not combining orange with green -- it's also about using the best colors to convey your brand's message.
When you're creating designs for your business, it's critical you use the best color combinations, but it's easier said than done. Here, we've curated a list of the 23 best color combinations, so you can skip the coworker debates about whether pink and orange work well together, and get straight to the design itself.
Good Color Combinations
- Coral Red (#F93943) and Viking (#7EB2DD)
- East Bay (#424874) and Moon Raker (#DCD6F7) and Ghost (#CACFD6)
- Viking (#7EB2DD) and Karry (#FFE8D4)
- Tan Hide (#F98866) and Vermilion (#FF420E) and Acapulco (#80BD9E)
- Botticelli (#C4DFE6) and Nepal (#90AFC5) and Ship Gray (#3E363F)
- Persian Green (#00A6A6) and Vista Blue (#98DBC6) and Mauvelous (#F18D9E) and Sunflower (#E6D72A)
- Marigold Yellow (#F6E278) and Ice Cold (#BCF4F5) and Vista Blue (#98DBC6)
- Spice (#6E352C) and Tuscany (#CF5230) and Jaffa (#F59A44) and Calico (#E3C598) and Yellow Metal (#6E612F)
- Alto (#D9D9D9) and Mandys Pink (#F5B3B4) and Chestnut Rose (#D15656) and Stiletto (#94353C)
- Swiss Coffee (#E1DCD9) and Schooner (#8F8681) and Pharlap (#A67F78) and Mine Shaft (#3E3C3C)
- Tulip Tree (#F2AB39) and Punga (#563C16)
- Swans Down (#D1EDE1) and Monte Carlo (#7BC5AE) and Observatory (#028C6A)
- Your Pink (#FFC2C3) and Bittersweet (#FE7773) and Alizarin Crimson (#EA3238)
- Pampas (#F1EBE9) and Your Pink (#FFC2C3) and Melanie (#E6CBDD)
- Mountain Meadow (#1B998B) and Magnolia (#F8F1FF)
- Terracotta (#E07A5F) and Gun Powder (#3D405B) and Moon Raker (#DECDF5) and Acapulco (#81B29A) and Manhattan (#F2CC8F)
- Bittersweet (#FE7773) and Cosmos (#FFD8D8) and Nile Blue (#194049) and Seagull (#87CEEB)
- Mischka (#DAD5DC) and Pigeon Post (#A7C4DE) and Mystic (#D7EAEA) and Downy (#76C1D1) and Aqua Island (#ACDBDF)
- Malibu (#4DD7FF) and Aero Blue (#AEFFF1) and Picton Blue (#32C3EE) and Boston Blue (#3B8FA1)
- Navajo White (#FFE0AC) and Vivid Tangerine (#FF8C8C)
- Dove Gray (#666666) and Aero Blue (#B5FFE9)
- Cedar (#3C1518) and Dark Tan (#69140E) and Fire (#A44200)
- Milano Red (#BA1200) and Black Pearl (#031927)
1. Coral Red (#F93943) and Viking (#7EB2DD)
2. East Bay (#424874) and Moon Raker (#DCD6F7) and Ghost (#CACFD6)
3. Viking (#7EB2DD) and Karry (#FFE8D4)
4. Tan Hide (#F98866) and Vermilion (#FF420E) and Acapulco (#80BD9E)
5. Botticelli (#C4DFE6) and Nepal (#90AFC5) and Ship Gray (#3E363F)
6. Persian Green (#00A6A6) and Vista Blue (#98DBC6) and Mauvelous (#F18D9E) and Sunflower (#E6D72A)
7. Marigold Yellow (#F6E278) and Ice Cold (#BCF4F5) and Vista Blue (#98DBC6)
8. Spice (#6E352C) and Tuscany (#CF5230) and Jaffa (#F59A44) and Calico (#E3C598) and Yellow Metal (#6E612F)
9. Alto (#D9D9D9) and Mandys Pink (#F5B3B4) and Chestnut Rose (#D15656) and Stiletto (#94353C)
10. Swiss Coffee (#E1DCD9) and Schooner (#8F8681) and Pharlap (#A67F78) and Mine Shaft (#3E3C3C)
11. Tulip Tree (#F2AB39) and Punga (#563C16)
12. Swans Down (#D1EDE1) and Monte Carlo (#7BC5AE) and Observatory (#028C6A)
13. Your Pink (#FFC2C3) and Bittersweet (#FE7773) and Alizarin Crimson (#EA3238)
14. Pampas (#F1EBE9) and Your Pink (#FFC2C3) and Melanie (#E6CBDD)
15. Mountain Meadow (#1B998B) and Magnolia (#F8F1FF)
16. Terracotta (#E07A5F) and Gun Powder (#3D405B) and Moon Raker (#DECDF5) and Acapulco (#81B29A) and Manhattan (#F2CC8F)
17. Bittersweet (#FE7773) and Cosmos (#FFD8D8) and Nile Blue (#194049) and Seagull (#87CEEB)
18. Mischka (#DAD5DC) and Pigeon Post (#A7C4DE) and Mystic (#D7EAEA) and Downy (#76C1D1) and Aqua Island (#ACDBDF)
19. Malibu (#4DD7FF) and Aero Blue (#AEFFF1) and Picton Blue (#32C3EE) and Boston Blue (#3B8FA1)
20. Navajo White (#FFE0AC) and Vivid Tangerine (#FF8C8C)
21. Dove Gray (#666666) and Aero Blue (#B5FFE9)
22. Cedar (#3C1518) and Dark Tan (#69140E) and Fire (#A44200)
23. Milano Red (#BA1200) and Black Pearl (#031927)
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