Monday, 31 December 2018

Un nouveau look pour le Marché aux puces Jean-Talon

Le Marché aux puces Jean-Talon vient de subir une cure de rajeunissement et change d’aspect. Les deux célèbres tours blanches décorées des inscriptions Marché aux puces et marché public en grosses lettres noires font maintenant place à un revêtement uni noir. La revitalisation s’est fait dans le cadre de la nouvelle offre de microbrasserie et du musée de la bière qui verront le jour au printemps prochain si tout va bien. L’objectif, pour le propriétaire Patrick Lessard, est de maintenir le succès florissant du marché en le modernisant et en y ajoutant une offre populaire auprès du public. Les travaux avaient commencé par l’agrandissement du stationnement de 400 places en 2017.


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Opération déneigement à Saint-Augustin

La Ville de Saint-Augustin avise la population qu’une opération déneigement sera lancée la nuit prochaine dès 3 heures et pendant la journée du 1er janvier. La levée de cette restriction de stationnement sera levée sur le site web de la Ville.

Les informations sur les dates et les heures de cette opération sont aussi disponibles sur les panneaux lumineux ou encore en communiquant avec la ligne INFO-NEIGE au 418 878-6344.

La Ville tient à remercier tous les automobilistes qui font en sorte que les travaux de déneigement se déroulent dans les meilleures conditions.

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Nouveau centre de la petite enfance à Beauport

Il y aura un nouveau centre de la petite enfance (CPE) à Beauport alors que l’ouverture est prévu pour l’automne 2019.  

Le CPE Pomme Cannelle, qui opère déjà deux installations, dont celle de la Clé de Sol dans le secteur d’Estimauville, vient d’obtenir le feu vert du conseil d’arrondissement de Beauport pour s’installer au 2101, boulevard Louis-XIV. Le conseil d’arrondissement a accepté de donner la délivrance du permis de construction et du certificat d’autorisation requis pour l’implantation du CPE.

«Cette troisième installation est un partenariat avec la ferme Bédard-Blouin. Nous serons locataires des lieux. Si la construction va bon train, il est possible que nous puissions ouvrir à l’été 2019, mais il est plus prudent de viser l’automne 2019», estime la directrice adjointe à la pédagogie de l’installation de la Clé de Sol, Chantal Roy.

Projet novateur

Ce troisième CPE prendrait le nom de les Pousses Vertes et en rapport avec son emplacement, le temps passé à l’extérieur sera capital. «Le contact avec la nature sera un enjeu crucial, il y aura beaucoup d’espace sur les terrains pour les jeunes pour jouer et il y a une forêt qui sera accessible à pied. Le concept vient d’être approuvé par le ministère de la Famille et il ne devrait pas y avoir de problème pour aller de l’avant», affirme la dirigeante.

Ce nouveau CPE aura une capacité d’accueil de 75 enfants et possédera trois pouponnières pour les bébés de 0 à 18 mois. Les enfants de 18 mois à 5 ans seront la clientèle cible du nouveau CPE.





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Inondations de décembre : aide financière pour 29 municipalités

Le gouvernement du Québec annonce que les sinistrés de 29 municipalités du Québec sont admissibles au Programme général d’aide financière lors de sinistres réels ou imminents en raison des inondations survenues du 22 au 26 décembre 2018 et pour les travaux de bris de couvert de glace réalisés du 22 au 27 décembre 2018. Dans la région de Capitale-Nationale, les municipalités visées sont : Québec, Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier et Saint-Raymond.

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Personne disparue à Québec

RECHERCHE. Le Service de police de Québec (SPVQ) sollicite l’aide de la population pour retrouver Nicolas David qui est porté disparu depuis le dimanche 30 décembre.

L’individu de 35 ans, mesurant 1,83 m. (6 pieds) et pesant 81 kg (178 livres), portait un chandail à manches longues de couleur foncé ainsi qu’un pantalon de jogging foncé au moment de sa disparition. Il aurait été vu pour la dernière fois hier matin vers 9h30 dans le secteur d’Estimauville. Il pourrait se trouver dans le quartier de Vanier.

Le SPVQ précise avoir des raisons de craindre pour sa santé et sa sécurité de Nicolas Davis s’il ne reçoit pas les soins appropriés à son état.

Si vous le reconnaissez, communiquez rapidement avec le 418 641-AGIR (2447).

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Avertissement de tempête hivernale en vigueur

Avertissement de tempête hivernale en vigueur pour les secteurs de :

  • la Côte-de-Beaupré – L’Île d’Orléans
  • Québec
  • Valcartier – Stoneham

De la neige abondante accompagnée de poudrerie touchera la région de la Vieille Capitale où une vingtaine de centimètres sont attendus. La neige débutera ce soir et persistera jusqu’à mardi midi. Environnement Canada vous invite à évaluer la possibilité de retarder tout déplacement non essentiel jusqu’à ce que les conditions s’améliorent. La visibilité sera soudainement réduite à presque nulle par moments dans la forte neige et la poudrerie.

Un avertissement de tempête hivernale est émis lorsque l’on prévoit plusieurs conditions de mauvais temps hivernal simultanément.

Veuillez continuer à surveiller les alertes et les prévisions émises par Environnement Canada. Pour signaler du temps violent, envoyez un courriel à ou publiez un gazouillis en utilisant le mot-clic #meteoqc.

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Travaux pont Lebourgneuf

Des travaux sont en cours sur le ponceau surplombant la rivière Saint-Charles sur le boulevard Père-Lelièvre et se poursuivront jusqu’à la fin décembre. Ils reprendront ensuite le printemps prochain pour une durée d’environ deux mois. La barrière du côté nord a été enlevée forçant la fermeture du trottoir. On effectue divers travaux de réparation et d’entretien de la structure.


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What Does Allyship Mean?

Research has shown more inclusive companies have a 2.3x higher cash flow per employee, and are 1.7 times more likely to be innovation leaders in their industry.

Increasing sales, while driving innovation -- who doesn't want that?

Undoubtedly, inclusion is critical for your company's success and long-term growth. But inclusion can't happen without allyship -- and yet, many of us still aren't sure what "allyship" means.

I have a sticker on my laptop that reads, "Ally is a verb". I got it recently at an Allyship panel hosted here at HubSpot. It's a daily reminder for me that being an ally is continuous action -- not just a label.

To ensure a workplace culture in which employees feel included and valued, it's critical you learn what allyship means, and how you can become an ally.

Click here to unlock a free guide and template designed to help you create a company culture code. 

What Does Allyship Mean?

Allyship is the continuous process in which someone with privilege and power seeks to first learn about the experiences of a marginalized group of people, and then ultimately empathize with their challenges and build relationships with that group of people.

The role of an ally includes:

  • Being able to listen, and shine a spotlight on those whose voices are often unheard.
  • Recognizing your own privilege and power, and using that privilege to lift others up.
  • Being aware of implicit biases you might have.
  • Supporting the group you're allying by letting them speak for themselves whenever possible.
  • Not expecting special recognition for being an ally, and not taking credit for the ideas of the marginalized group.

Additionally, Corey Ponder, who published How To Challenge Ourselves to Grow As Allies on Medium, writes, "Allies recognize their privilege and status within the in-crowd but support others that are outsiders or lack a voice in the in-crowd. This requires challenging accepted group dynamics and recognizing that being part of the in-crowd should not supersede the importance of supporting individuals that are outsiders or that lack a voice in the in-crowd."

Ultimately, it's critical you remember being an ally is not a part-time role.

For a complete list of resources on allyship, check out How to Be an Ally: 23 Resources That Can Help.

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9 Reasons for Leaving Your Last Job That Hiring Managers Will Completely Understand

Out of all the questions hiring managers can potentially ask you during an interview, “Why did you leave your last job?” could be one of the hardest to answer.

To effectively answer this question, you need to frame your response in a way that shows hiring managers that you know what's important to you and how to handle less than ideal situations. But you also don’t want to sound ungrateful for the opportunities you had in your previous role, or come off like you're still bitter about how you left things with your last employer.

Click here to unlock a free guide and template designed to help you create a company culture code. 

It can be challenging to explain why you decided to leave your last position without throwing your old company under the bus. But if answered thoughtfully, this question can help you highlight your flexibility and self-awareness.

To help you nail this question at your next interview, we rounded up nine reasons for leaving your last job that hiring managers will completely understand. And even if you’ve only worked in your current role for a short amount of time, these reasons can help you frame your decision to depart your last role in a way your potential new employer can truly respect.

1. You’re looking to level up in your career, and your current company has limited opportunities for career growth.

Career stagnation can be incredibly frustrating. If you’ve worked hard at the same company for a few years, and you haven’t been promoted or even promised a promotion, you have every right to leave your current job. If you can communicate that you haven’t been able to climb the career ladder at your preferred pace during your interview, you’ll show hiring managers that you’re ambitious and goal-orientated.

2. You don’t feel challenged or fulfilled at your current job.

No job is perfect, but if you don’t feel any satisfaction at work, it’s definitely time for a change. Work becomes a chore if you don’t feel mentally stimulated or emotionally fulfilled. And hiring managers will completely understand why you’re leaving your current role, if this is the case. They’ll also be impressed with your internal need to be passionate about your job.

3. The nature of your work is not what was promised to you.

Did your current employer promise you a copywriting job, but now you somehow work in product marketing? If they’ve baited-and-switched you like this, wanting to leave the company is more than understandable. They promised you something, but failed to honor it -- so why stay?

Leaving your job to find a new role that actually meets your expectations will also show hiring managers that you can stand up for yourself and pursue what you truly want in life.

4. You’re burnt out.

If your job’s heavy workload or endless stress make you hate going to work, it’s time for a fresh start somewhere else. Burnout can make work and, in turn, life miserable and most hiring managers have experienced it at least once in their careers, so if you need a new change of pace, they’ll definitely be able to empathize with you. They’ll also respect your willingness to take care of your mental and emotional health.

5. You feel undervalued at your current job.

When your current manager underestimates your potential or doesn’t know how to leverage your skill set to its full potential, work can become frustrating and dull. So why work for a company that doesn’t challenge you or allow you to make a impact?

If you can genuinely convey these frustrations and aspirations during your interview, hiring managers will perceive you as someone who truly wants to make a difference at their company -- and that’ll only boost your chances of landing the job.

6. You want to make a career change.

In a world where most industries never stop changing, it’s common to leave a job to pursue a new career path. But even if you think your lack of experience in an industry is a vulnerability, you shouldn’t fret. Most hiring managers actually like hiring candidates from other industries because they can bring a fresh perspective to their team and company.

7. You want a better work life balance.

Sometimes employers forget that people work to live and don’t live to work. If your current job steals too many hours away from your personal life, it’s time to go. Life is for living, so if you can express your desire to work in a new role that provides a better work life balance, hiring managers will admire the respect you have for your own time.

8. Your values don’t align with the company’s values.

Whether you were never a good fit at your current company or a merger or acquisition altered its values, a moral conflict with an employer is totally a justifiable reason to leave. If you stand firmly behind your own beliefs, you shouldn’t have to compromise your ethics to drive results for a business you don’t support.

Hiring managers also want to hire people whose values align with their company’s, so clarifying that you both have similar principles will help you out tremendously during an interview.

9. You had to leave the company due to family or personal reasons.

Life happens. If you left your last job because you needed to take care of your family or nourish your physical or mental health, hiring managers won’t knock off any points during your interview. In fact, this reason will most likely bump up your score because you’ve proved that you can prioritize what’s truly important in life.

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Sunday, 30 December 2018

How to Do A/B Testing: A Checklist You'll Want to Bookmark

When marketers like us create landing pages, write email copy, or design call-to-action buttons, it can be tempting to use our intuition to predict what will make people click and convert.

But basing marketing decisions off of a "feeling" can be pretty detrimental to results. Rather than relying on guesses or assumptions to make these decisions, you're much better off running an A/B test -- sometimes called a split test.

A/B testing can be valuable because different audiences behave, well, differently. Something that works for one company may not necessarily work for another. In fact, conversion rate optimization (CRO) experts hate the term "best practices" because it may not actually be the best practice for you.

Learn how to run effective A/B experimentation in 2018 here.

But A/B tests can also be complex. If you're not careful, you could make incorrect assumptions about what people like and what makes them click -- decisions that could easily misinform other parts of your strategy.

Keep reading to learn how to do A/B testing before, during, and after data collection so you can make the best decisions from your results.

To run an A/B test, you need to create two different versions of one piece of content, with changes to a single variable. Then, you'll show these two versions to two similarly sized audiences and analyze which one performed better over a specific period of time (long enough to make accurate conclusions about your results).

Explanation of what a/b testing is

Image Credit: ConversionXL

A/B testing helps marketers observe how one version of a piece of marketing content performs alongside another. Here are two types of A/B tests you might conduct in an effort to increase your website's conversion rate: 

Example 1: User Experience Test

Perhaps you want to see if moving a certain call-to-action (CTA) button to the top of your homepage instead of keeping it in the sidebar will improve its clickthrough rate.

To A/B test this theory, you'd create another, alternative web page that reflected that CTA placement change. The existing design -- or the "control" -- is Version A. Version B is the "challenger." Then, you'd test these two versions by showing each of them to a predetermined percentage of site visitors. Ideally, the percentage of visitors seeing either version is the same.

Learn how to easily A/B test a component of your website with HubSpot's Marketing Hub.

Example 2: Design Test

Perhaps you want to find out if changing the color of your call-to-action (CTA) button can increase its clickthrough rate.

To A/B test this theory, you'd design an alternative CTA button with a different button color that leads to the same landing page as the control. If you usually use a red call-to-action button in your marketing content, and the green variation receives more clicks after your A/B test, this could merit changing the default color of your call-to-action buttons to green from now on.

To learn more about A/B testing, download our free introductory guide here.

The Benefits of A/B Testing

A/B testing has a multitude of benefits to a marketing team, depending on what it is you decide to test. Above all, though, these tests are valuable to a business because they're low in cost but high in reward.

Let's say you employ a content creator with a salary of $50,000/year. This content creator publishes five articles per week for the company blog, totaling 260 articles per year. If the average post on the company's blog generates 10 leads, you could say it costs just over $192 to generate 10 leads for the business ($50,000 salary ÷ 260 articles = $192 per article). That's a solid chunk of change.

Now, if you ask this content creator to spend two days developing an A/B test on one article, instead of writing two articles in that time period, you might burn $192 because you're publishing one fewer article. But if that A/B test finds you can increase each article's conversion rate from 10 to 20 leads, you just spent $192 to potentially double the number of customers your business gets from your blog.

If the test fails, of course, you lost $192 -- but now you can make your next A/B test even more educated. If that second test succeeds in doubling your blog's conversion rate, you ultimately spent $284 to potentially double your company's revenue. No matter how many times your A/B test fails, its eventual success will almost always outweigh the cost to conduct it.

There are many types of split tests you can run to make the experiment worth it in the end. Here are some common goals marketers have for their business when A/B testing:

  • Increased Website Traffic: Testing different blog post or webpage titles can change the number of people who click on that hyperlinked title to get to your website. This can increase website traffic as a result.
  • Higher Conversion Rate: Testing different locations, colors, or even anchor text on your CTAs can change the number of people who click these CTAs to get to a landing page. This can increase the number of people who fill out forms on your website, submit their contact info to you, and "convert" into a lead.
  • Lower Bounce Rate: If your website visitors leave (or "bounce") quickly after visiting your website, testing different blog post introductions, fonts, or feature images can reduce this bounce rate and retain more visitors.
  • Lower Cart Abandonment: Ecommerce businesses see 40% – 75% of customers leave their website with items in their shopping cart, according to MightyCall. This is known as "shopping cart abandonment." Testing different product photos, check-out page designs, and even where shipping costs are displayed can lower this abandonment rate.

Now, let's walk through the checklist for setting up, running, and measuring an A/B test.

How to Conduct A/B Testing

Before the A/B Test

1. Pick one variable to test.

As you optimize your web pages and emails, you might find there are a number of variables you want to test. But to evaluate how effective a change is, you'll want to isolate one "independent variable" and measure its performance -- otherwise, you can't be sure which one was responsible for changes in performance.

You can test more than one variable for a single web page or email; just be sure you're testing them one at a time.

Look at the various elements in your marketing resources and their possible alternatives for design, wording, and layout. Other things you might test include email subject lines, sender names, and different ways to personalize your emails.

Keep in mind that even simple changes, like changing the image in your email or the words on your call-to-action button, can drive big improvements. In fact, these sorts of changes are usually easier to measure than the bigger ones.

Note: There are some times when it makes more sense to test multiple variables rather than a single variable. This is a process called multivariate testing. If you're wondering whether you should run an A/B test versus a multivariate test, here's a helpful article from Optimizely that compares the two.

2. Identify your goal.

Although you'll measure a number of metrics for every one test, choose a primary metric to focus on -- before you run the test. In fact, do it before you even set up the second variation. This is your "dependent variable."

Think about where you want this variable to be at the end of the split test. You might state an official hypothesis and examine your results based on this prediction.

If you wait until afterward to think about which metrics are important to you, what your goals are, and how the changes you're proposing might affect user behavior, then you might not set up the test in the most effective way.

3. Create a 'control' and a 'challenger.'

You now have your independent variable, your dependent variable, and your desired outcome. Use this information to set up the unaltered version of whatever you're testing as your "control." If you're testing a web page, this is the unaltered web page as it exists already. If you're testing a landing page, this would be the landing page design and copy you would normally use.

From there, build a variation, or a "challenger" -- the website, landing page, or email you’ll test against your control. For example, if you're wondering whether including a testimonial on a landing page would make a difference, set up your control page with no testimonials. Then, create your variation with a testimonial.

4. Split your sample groups equally and randomly.

For tests where you have more control over the audience -- like with emails -- you need to test with two or more audiences that are equal in order to have conclusive results.

How you do this will vary depending on the A/B testing tool you use. If you're a HubSpot Enterprise customer conducting an A/B test on an email, for example, HubSpot will automatically split traffic to your variations so that each variation gets a random sampling of visitors.

5. Determine your sample size (if applicable).

How you determine your sample size will also vary depending on your A/B testing tool, as well as the type of A/B test you're running.

If you're A/B testing an email, you'll probably want to send an A/B test to a smaller portion of your list to get statistically significant results. Eventually, you'll pick a winner and send the winning variation on to the rest of the list. (See "The Science of Split Testing" ebook at the end of this article for more on calculating your sample size.)

If you're a HubSpot Enterprise customer, you'll have some help determining the size of your sample group using a slider. It'll let you do a 50/50 A/B test of any sample size -- although all other sample splits require a list of at least 1,000 recipients.

a/b testing sample size slider

If you're testing something that doesn't have a finite audience, like a web page, then how long you keep your test running will directly affect your sample size. You'll need to let your test run long enough to obtain a substantial number of views, otherwise it'll be hard to tell whether there was a statistically significant difference between the two variations.

6. Decide how significant your results need to be.

Once you've picked your goal metric, think about how significant your results need to be to justify choosing one variation over another. Statistical significance is a super important part of A/B testing process that's often misunderstood. If you need a refresher on statistical significance from a marketing standpoint, I recommend reading this blog post.

The higher the percentage of your confidence level, the more sure you can be about your results. In most cases, you'll want a confidence level of 95% minimum -- preferably even 98% -- especially if it was a time-intensive experiment to set up. However, sometimes it makes sense to use a lower confidence rate if you don't need the test to be as stringent.

Matt Rheault, a senior software engineer at HubSpot, likes to think of statistical significance like placing a bet. What odds are you comfortable placing a bet on? Saying "I'm 80% sure this is the right design and I'm willing to bet everything on it" is similar to running an A/B test to 80% significance and then declaring a winner.

Rheault also says you’ll likely want a higher confidence threshold when testing for something that only slightly improves conversation rate. Why? Because random variance is more likely to play a bigger role.

"An example where we could feel safer lowering our confidence threshold is an experiment that will likely improve conversion rate by 10% or more, such as a redesigned hero section,” he explained. "The takeaway here is that the more radical the change, the less scientific we need to be process-wise. The more specific the change (button color, micro copy, etc.), the more scientific we should be because the change is less likely to have a large and noticeable impact on conversion rate."

7. Make sure you're only running one test at a time on any campaign.

Testing more than one thing for a single campaign -- even if it's not on the same exact asset -- can complicate your results. For example, if you A/B test an email campaign that directs to a landing page at the same time that you’re A/B testing that landing page ... how can you know which change caused the increase in leads?

During the A/B Test

8. Use an A/B testing tool.

To do an A/B test on your website or in an email, you'll need to use an A/B testing tool. If you're a HubSpot Enterprise customer, the HubSpot software has features that let you A/B test emails (learn how here), calls-to-action (learn how here), and landing pages (learn how here).

For non-HubSpot Enterprise customers, other options include Google Analytics' Experiments, which lets you A/B test up to 10 full versions of a single web page and compare their performance using a random sample of users.

9. Test both variations simultaneously.

Timing plays a significant role in your marketing campaign’s results, whether it's time of day, day of the week, or month of the year. If you were to run Version A during one month and Version B a month later, how would you know whether the performance change was caused by the different design or the different month?

When you run A/B tests, you'll need to run the two variations at the same time, otherwise you may be left second-guessing your results.

The only exception here is if you're testing timing itself, like finding the optimal times for sending out emails. This is a great thing to test because depending on what your business offers and who your subscribers are, the optimal time for subscriber engagement can vary significantly by industry and target market.

10. Give the A/B test enough time to produce useful data.

Again, you'll want to make sure that you let your test run long enough in order to obtain a substantial sample size. Otherwise, it'll be hard to tell whether there was a statistically significant difference between the two variations.

How long is long enough? Depending on your company and how you execute the A/B test, getting statistically significant results could happen in hours ... or days ... or weeks. A big part of how long it takes to get statistically significant results is how much traffic you get -- so if your business doesn't get a lot of traffic to your website, it'll take much longer for you to run an A/B test.

In theory, you shouldn't restrict the time in which you're gathering results. (Read this blog post to learn more about sample size and timing.)

11. Ask for feedback from real users.

A/B testing has a lot to do with quantitative data ... but that won't necessarily help you understand why people take certain actions over others. While you're running your A/B test, why not collect qualitative feedback from real users?

One of the best ways to ask people for their opinions is through a survey or poll. You might add an exit survey on your site that asks visitors why they didn't click on a certain CTA, or one on your thank-you pages that asks visitors why they clicked a button or filled out a form.

You might find, for example, that a lot of people clicked on a call-to-action leading them to an ebook, but once they saw the price, they didn't convert. That kind of information will give you a lot of insight into why your users are behaving in certain ways.

After the A/B Test

12. Focus on your goal metric.

Again, although you'll be measuring multiple metrics, keep your focus on that primary goal metric when you do your analysis.

For example, if you tested two variations of an email and chose leads as your primary metric, don’t get caught up on open rate or clickthrough rate. You might see a high clickthrough rate and poor conversion rates, in which case you might end up choosing the variation that had a lower clickthrough rate in the end.

13. Measure the significance of your results using our A/B testing calculator.

Now that you've determined which variation performs the best, it's time to determine whether or not your results statistically significant. In other words, are they enough to justify a change?

To find out, you'll need to conduct a test of statistical significance. You could do that manually ... or you could just plug in the results from your experiment to our free A/B testing calculator. For each variation you tested, you'll be prompted to input the total number of tries, like emails sent or impressions seen. Then, enter the number of goals it completed -- generally you'll look at clicks, but this could also be other types of conversions.


The calculator will spit out the confidence level your data produces for the winning variation. Then, measure that number against the value you chose to determine statistical significance.

14. Take action based on your results.

If one variation is statistically better than the other, you have a winner. Complete your test by disabling the losing variation in your A/B testing tool.

If neither variation is statistically better, you've just learned that the variable you tested didn't impact results, and you'll have to mark the test as inconclusive. In this case, stick with the original variation -- or run another test. You can use the failed data to help you figure out a new iteration on your new test.

While A/B tests help you impact results on a case-by-case basis, you can also apply the lessons you learn from each test and apply it to future efforts. For example, if you've conducted A/B tests in your email marketing and have repeatedly found that using numbers in email subject lines generates better clickthrough rates, you might want to consider using that tactic in more of your emails.

15. Plan your next A/B test.

The A/B test you just finished may have helped you discover a new way to make your marketing content more effective -- but don't stop there. There’s always room for more optimization.

You can even try conducting an A/B test on another feature of the same web page or email you just did a test on. For example, if you just tested a headline on a landing page, why not do a new test on body copy? Or color scheme? Or images? Always keep an eye out for opportunities to increase conversion rates and leads.

Learn how to best carry out some of the steps above using the free ebook below.

The Ultimate A/B Testing Kit

Learn how to run effective A/B experimentation in 2018 here.

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Des médailles pour Karaté Charlesbourg au championnat du monde

Une équipe de Charlesbourg de l’école Karaté Charlesbourg Rudy Duquet s’est qualifiée pour représenter le Canada au championnat du monde WKC en Irlande récemment. L’équipe, dirigée par Rudy Duquet, a remporté quatre médailles d’argent, une médaille d’or et une de bronze. L’équipe se dit prête à affronter la nouvelle saison, le championnat du monde WKC sera à Niagara Falls l’an prochain.



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Entraide Agapè : Aide bénie pour un camion réfrigéré

La banque alimentaire Entraide Agapè, qui possède la capacité de nourrir 20 000 bouches par année, a fait l’acquisition d’un nouveau camion réfrigéré.

L’acquisition d’un nouveau véhicule était devenue nécessaire avec le vieux camion qui montrait des signes de ralentissement et qui datait de 2008. Ce type de véhicule est un besoin primordial pour la banque alimentaire qui parcourt près de 200 km de façon quotidienne. L’achat du camion a été rendu possible avec l’appui financier de plusieurs donateurs.

Entraide Agapè a souligné de façon plutôt originale la nouvelle possession de l’organisme. Elle a procédé à une bénédiction du camion dans une brève cérémonie au 3148, chemin Royal. Monseigneur Pelchat a effectué la bénédiction du camion afin de lui assurer une belle longévité.

L’inscription «Je donne» présente sur le nouveau poids lourd se veut un rappel direct de la mission de l’organisme qui offre une aide alimentaire et matérielle aux familles et aux personnes dans le besoin.

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10 000$ pour les aînés dans le besoin

Pour une cinquième année, dans le cadre de la Journée Nationale des aînés, près de 1800 personnes ont mangé gratuitement dans les restaurants Le Buffet des Continents de Québec et Lévis. Ils ont remis, en don, plus de 10 000$ qui sera investi dans le Fonds SVP Centraide/FADOQ pour les aînés en collaboration avec la Fadoq – Régions de Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches. Ce Fonds SVP Centraide/Fadoq appuie financièrement des organismes qui ont pour mission le bien-être des personnes de 50 ans et plus. En cinq ans à travers tout le Québec, la chaîne a amassé 163 185$, depuis les débuts de ce repas caritatif.

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Retour à la compétition pour Antoine Valois-Fortier

En juillet dernier, l’athlète de Beauport a été opéré pour soigner deux hernies discales qui le faisaient souffrir depuis plusieurs années. Une opération qui a été faite dans le seul but de participer aux Jeux de Tokyo, en 2020.

«Je veux revenir aux meilleurs de mes capacités en 2020. Il me reste encore du jus. Un Antoine en santé, même à 29 ans, peut très bien performer», affirme le judoka.

Même si la période pour laquelle les athlètes doivent amasser des points pour la qualification olympique a commencé l’été dernier, l’athlète beauportois est confiant de rattraper le temps perdu même s’il a trouvé son absence difficile loin des tapis de judo. «Le retour se fait progressivement, mais ça me fait du bien de remettre mon judogi et de pratiquer mon sport. Je fais surtout du travail technique pour le moment.»

Même si une certaine peur subsiste que la blessure revienne, celui qui a remporté une médaille de bronze aux Jeux de Londres en 2012 ne cache pas sa joie de ne plus ressentir de douleur. «Je n’ai aucune douleur qui descend dans ma jambe. C’est une sensation qui est nouvelle pour moi. J’en suis très heureux et j’essaie d’en profiter sans trop me poser de questions», termine le Québécois.

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Coup d’œil aux principaux moments marquants de 2018

Saturday, 29 December 2018

Une joueuse des Titans recrutée pour le championnat mondial

Mahika Sarrazin, gardienne de but des Titans du Cégep Limoilou, vient d’être recrutée par Hockey Canada pour faire partie de son alignement au Championnat mondial féminin des moins de 18 ans de la Fédération internationale de hockey sur glace (FIHG) qui se tiendra au Japon, du 6 au 13 janvier. Seules Mahika et une autre joueuse ont réussi à se tailler une place aux côtés des 21 autres joueuses recrutées au précamp d’entraînement l’été dernier. La jeune gardienne de 17 ans est étudiante en Sciences humaines, profil Développement humain et société et en est seulement à sa toute première saison avec les Titans. Mahika Sarrazin est aussi toujours en lice pour intégrer Équipe Québec des moins de 18 ans qui compétitionnera aux prochains Jeux du Canada, en février en Alberta.



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Les Remparts repartent en neuf en 2019

Quoi faire près de chez vous pendant les vacances

Vous avez du temps à passer en famille ou avec vos amis? Voici quelques suggestions durant la période des Fêtes.

Centres de plein air

La base de plein air La Découverte, le club de golf Lorette, le Parc Chauveau et le parc linéaire de la Rivière-Saint-Charles proposent diverses activités hivernales allant de la randonnée pédestre sur neige durcie et la raquette sans oublier le ski de fond. Le nombre de pistes et la distance de chacune varient d’un endroit à l’autre.

Souvenirs d’enfance

Une exposition de souvenirs d’enfance, de 1950 à 1970, est proposée à la Maison O’Neill du 5 au 31 janvier. Venez découvrir cette exposition qui vous plongera dans l’histoire. Entrée gratuite. Information au 418 877‑3405.


Les bibliothèques des arrondissements Les Rivières et de La Haute-Saint-Charles seront des endroits visités durant la période des Fêtes. Dans le secteur Les Rivières, nous retrouvons Romain-Langlois du boulevard Masson, Lebourgneuf sur le boulevard de la Morille et Jean-Baptiste-Duberger sur le boulevard Central. S’ajoutent pour l’arrondissement de La Haute-Saint-Charles, les bibliothèques Chrystine-Brouillet sur la rue Racine, Neufchâtel sur la rue Blain et Félix-Leclerc sur la rue Innovation. À noter que les heures d’ouverture peuvent varier d’un endroit à l’autre.

Patinage libre

Le patinage libre est proposé dans plusieurs secteurs des arrondissements Les Rivières et de La Haute-Saint-Charles. Il l’est le dimanche à l’aréna Duberger, le samedi à Gaétan-Duchesne, le mardi, jeudi et dimanche au Centre communautaire Michel-Labadie et le mardi et dimanche à l’aréna Patrick-Poulin. Il est proposé également au Colisée de Loretteville le vendredi et le samedi. Quant à l’aréna des Deux Glaces, le patinage libre est offert le mardi et le dimanche.

Bains libres

Dans le secteur de La Haute-Saint-Charles, la piscine de l’édifice Denis-Giguère de la rue Racine propose diverses heures de bains libres durant la période des Fêtes. Elle sera accessible pour des longueurs les vendredis 21 et 28 décembre, de 12h à 13h25 et de 20h à 21h25. S’ajoutent le mercredi 2 janvier, de 12h à 13h25, le jeudi 3 janvier, de 7h15 à 8h30 et de 12h à 13h25. Elle sera ouverte pour tous le vendredi 28 décembre de 13h30 à 14h25, le samedi 29 décembre, de 14h à 15h45, le dimanche 30 décembre de 13h30 à 15h05, le mercredi 2 janvier, de 13h30 à 15h et le jeudi 3 janvier, de 13h30 à 15h. Elle sera fermée le 31 décembre ainsi que le 1er janvier.

(Photo Métro Média – Archives)


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Temps des fêtes : Quoi faire pour pas cher?

Le Charlesbourg Express vous propose une sélection d’activités du temps des Fêtes, à faire ou à refaire si l’ennui prend le dessus ou si la dinde passe mal.

Pour bouger

Les patinoires extérieures devraient ouvrir pendant le temps des Fêtes. Les trois surfaces glacées de l’arrondissement se trouvent au Parc Bon-Pasteur, au Parc Bourg-Royal et au Parc Chabot.

S’il fait mauvais, l’Arpidrome et l’Aréna Réjean-Lemelin sont des options intérieures intéressantes.

On peut aussi aller faire un peu de ski de fond au Centre ski de fond Charlesbourg, histoire de se délier les pattes.

Tanné de cuisiner?

Si vous voulez vous échapper des fourneaux, aller bruncher peut être une bonne idée. En plus des restaurants de déjeûner franchisés habituels, on peut essayer un dîner dans un restaurant du coin de sa rue. Ça fait sortir de la maison et moins de vaisselle à laver.


Le Moulin des Jésuites propose une visite guidée à la lanterne des crèches du Trait-Carré. Horaires à confirmer sur leur site internet. Jusqu’6 janvier, l’exposition Du Pôle Nord à Charlesbourg: Rassemblement des Pères Noël sera une activité à découvrir en famille.

Les bibliothèques proposent aussi des activités intérieures intéressantes pour les familles, en plus de livres à dénicher pour tous lorsqu’on a un peu plus de temps.

Les horaires des activités mentionnées sont à vérifier sur le site internet de chaque organisation.


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Recul du travail au noir dans le résidentiel

ÉCONOMIE. Les diverses mesures gouvernementales dissuasives instaurées au cours des dernières années semblent porter leurs fruits. En effet, la part du travail au noir tend à diminuer dans le marché résidentiel, autant pour la construction que la rénovation.

Tel est le constat de l’Association des professionnels de la construction et de l’habitation du Québec (APCHQ) dans une étude sur l’importance de l’économie souterraine au Québec et la part du secteur de la construction résidentielle dans celle-ci. L’analyse des données illustre l’impact positif qu’ont eu les crédits d’impôt à la rénovation pour lutter efficacement contre la concurrence déloyale du travail au noir.

Il ressort notamment qu’en cinq ans, la proportion de l’économie souterraine attribuable au secteur de la construction est en baisse au Québec. De 27% en 2011, elle est passée à 23,7% en 2016. Durant cette période, la part du travail au noir sur les chantiers résidentiels au pays a grimpé de 26,3% à 27,5%.

«Au Québec, l’économie souterraine associée au secteur résidentiel a diminué de 100M$ entre 2011 et 2016. Un repli qui arrive dans un contexte de forte expansion de l’ordre de 15% du secteur de la rénovation», indique François Vincent, vice-président aux relations gouvernementales et publiques de l’APCHQ.

Il y voit une bonne nouvelle pour les entrepreneurs reconnus, qui perdent moins de contrats face à une compétition déloyale, et pour l’État, qui récupère des gains fiscaux. À son avis, cela démontre l’utilité des programmes successifs de crédits d’impôt à la rénovation, comme LogiRénov, ÉcoRénov et RénoVert. Son espoir est que ce dernier soit élargi et reconduit lors du prochain budget provincial.

«Au Québec, l’économie souterraine associée au secteur résidentiel a diminué de 100M$ entre 2011 et 2016.»

– François Vincent, v-p aux relations publiques de l’APCHQ

Métro Média

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Friday, 28 December 2018

Un échappatoire qui continue de servir

La face cachée de la diversité

EMPLOI. C’est dans les locaux de la Caisse Desjardins de Sainte-Foy que le Centre multiethnique et Option-travail ont tenu la première édition de l’événement La face cachée de la diversité.

Organisé sous forme de déjeuner réseautage, le rendez-vous a permis à une vingtaine de femmes qualifiées, en recherche d’emploi et portant le foulard, de rencontrer une douzaine de représentants d’entreprises de grande envergure. L’événement a su favoriser les rapprochements interculturels.

Les candidates et représentants d’entreprises ont été touchés par les témoignages sur le parcours d’intégration professionnelle de deux femmes portant le foulard et travaillant à Québec. Aussi, l’animation d’activités de réseautage a permis aux participants de mieux se connaître et de comprendre leur réalité respective.

Métro Média

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Opération déneigement : Stationnement dans les rues interdit cette nuit

La Ville de Québec informe la population que des travaux de déneigement ou d’entretien de la voie publique et des trottoirs sont prévus la nuit prochaine dans tous les arrondissements de la ville.

Le stationnement sera interdit selon les modalités suivantes :

Arrondissement de Beauport – Le stationnement est interdit de 21 h ce soir à 7 h demain matin.

Dans les rues où des feux clignotants orange sont en fonction, le stationnement est interdit de 22 h ce soir à 7 h demain matin.

Arrondissement de Charlesbourg – Le stationnement est interdit de 21 h ce soir à 7 h demain matin.

Dans les rues où des feux clignotants orange sont en fonction, le stationnement est interdit de 22 h ce soir à 7 h demain matin.

Arrondissement de La Cité-Limoilou – Le stationnement est interdit de

22 h ce soir à 7 h demain matin dans les rues où les feux clignotants orange sont en fonction.

Arrondissement de La Haute-Saint-Charles – Le stationnement est interdit de 21 h ce soir à 7 h demain matin dans toutes les rues de l’arrondissement.

Arrondissement des Rivières – Le stationnement est interdit de 21 h ce soir à 7 h demain matin.

Toutefois, dans l’ancien secteur de Vanier, au sud de la rue Samson, où des feux clignotants orange sont en fonction, le stationnement est interdit de 22 h ce soir à 7 h demain matin.

Arrondissement de Sainte-Foy–Sillery–Cap-Rouge – Le stationnement est interdit de 21 h ce soir à 7 h demain matin.

Dans les rues où des feux clignotants orange sont en fonction, le stationnement est interdit de 22 h ce soir à 7 h demain matin.

La Ville appelle à la collaboration des citoyens.

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Jour de l’An à Québec : le grand décompte approche!

La Ville de Québec invite la population à participer en grand nombre aux festivités du Jour de l’An. La Grande Allée accueillera ses premiers visiteurs dès 15 h aujourd’hui (et dès 13 h du 29 décembre au 1er janvier) alors que les célébrations donnant le coup d’envoi à l’année 2019 se dérouleront dès 20 h le 31 décembre.

Deux scènes, deux ambiances

Du 28 décembre au 1er janvier, des zones distinctes spécialement aménagées animeront la Grande Allée, du Parlement à l’Hôtel Le Concorde. Pour la grande soirée du 31 décembre, deux scènes seront aménagées : la scène Québec cité, l’accent d’Amérique, accueillant des spectacles de musique traditionnelle au parc de la Francophonie, et la scène qui accueillera le grand spectacle de DJ Champion à la place de l’Assemblée-Nationale.



Zones Programmation du 28 décembre au 1er janvier Programmation spéciale du 31 décembre, à compter de 20  h Accès suggérés
Zone A
Grande Allée Est, entre la rue De Senezergues et la rue D’Artigny
Terrasses chauffées et animées des bars et des restaurants, bars de glace. Bars et bars de glace dans les rues (jusqu’à 1h), terrasses chauffées et animées des bars et des restaurants (jusqu’à 3 h). En arrivant de l’Ouest :
Grande Allée Est
Zone B
Place George-V, parc de la Francophonie et scène Québec cité, l’accent d’Amérique
Grande roue, carrousel, glissade géante, stations chaleur avec foyers géants, chaises Adirondacks, café, chocolat chaud, boissons alcoolisées réconfortantes. Musique traditionnelle, classiques du temps des fêtes, chansons à répondre, troupe de danseurs, ensemble de percussions, joueurs de violon, tapeurs de pieds. En arrivant de l’Ouest : rue Jacques-Parizeau

En arrivant du Nord : rue

En arrivant du sud : avenue Wilfrid-Laurier

Zone C
Grande Allée Est, entre la rue des Parlementaires et l’avenue Honoré-Mercier
Zone déambulatoire En arrivant du Nord : rue
Louis-Alexandre-TaschereauEn arrivant de l’Est : Grande Allée Est, par la rue Saint-Louis
Zone D

Place de l’Assemblée-Nationale et scène du Parlement

Aucune animation Dès 20 h : spectacles de musique électronique. Dès 23 h : DJ Champion
Minuit : grand décompte et feux d’artifice.
En arrivant de l’Ouest : Grande Allée Est

En arrivant de l’Est :
rue Saint-Louis

En arrivant du Nord : avenue Honoré-Mercier

Deux zones exclusives pour profiter des feux d’artifice seront aménagées derrière l’Hôtel Le Concorde et dans l’avenue George-VI, près de l’édifice H. Ces zones permettront à la population de s’y rendre sans devoir passer par la zone de festivités. L’accès à ces zones se fera par l’avenue Wilfrid-Laurier.

De plus, la Ville de Québec permettra la consommation d’alcool sur le site des festivités dès 20 h, le 31 décembre. Seules les boissons achetées aux différents points de vente seront permises; les visiteurs ne pourront apporter leurs propres consommations sur le site.

Mentionnons que le gouvernement du Québec octroie une aide financière de 50 000 $ à l’organisme Action promotion Grande Allée pour la tenue du cet événement.

Pour plus de renseignements :


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La nativité célébrée au cœur du Trait-Carré

Jour de l’An à Québec : le grand décompte approche!

Québec, le 28 décembre 2018 – La Ville de Québec invite la population à participer en grand nombre aux festivités du Jour de l’An. La Grande Allée accueillera ses premiers visiteurs dès 15 h aujourd’hui (et dès 13 h du 29 décembre au 1er janvier) alors que les célébrations donnant le coup d’envoi à l’année 2019 se dérouleront dès 20 h le 31 décembre.

Deux scènes, deux ambiances, une grande fête

Du 28 décembre au 1er janvier, des zones distinctes spécialement aménagées animeront la Grande Allée, du Parlement à l’Hôtel Le Concorde. Pour la grande soirée du 31 décembre, deux scènes seront aménagées : la scène Québec cité, l’accent d’Amérique, accueillant des spectacles de musique traditionnelle au parc de la Francophonie, et la scène qui accueillera le grand spectacle de DJ Champion à la place de l’Assemblée-Nationale.

Deux zones exclusives pour profiter des feux d’artifice seront aménagées derrière l’Hôtel Le Concorde et dans l’avenue George-VI, près de l’édifice H. Ces zones permettront à la population de s’y rendre sans devoir passer par la zone de festivités. L’accès à ces zones se fera par l’avenue Wilfrid-Laurier.

Pour ne rien manquer de la fête, la population est invitée à prévoir ses déplacements et à arriver tôt sur le site. Voici un aperçu de la programmation et des entrées à privilégier selon la destination :

Zone A (Grande Allée Est, entre la rue De Senezergues et la rue D’Artigny)

Programmation du 28 décembre au 1er janvier : Terrasses chauffées et animées des bars et des restaurants, bars de glace.

Programmation spéciale du 31 décembre, à compter de 20 h : Bars et bars de glace dans les rues jusqu’à 1 h, terrasses chauffées et animées des bars et des restaurants jusqu’à 3 h.

Accès suggéré
En arrivant de l’Ouest : Grande Allée Est

Zone B (Place George-V, parc de la Francophonie et scène Québec cité, l’accent d’Amérique)

Programmation du 28 décembre au 1er janvier : Grande roue, carrousel, glissade géante, stations chaleur avec foyers géants, chaises Adirondacks, café, chocolat chaud, boissons alcoolisées réconfortantes.

Programmation spéciale du 31 décembre, à compter de 20 h : Musique traditionnelle, classiques du temps des fêtes, chansons à répondre, troupe de danseurs, ensemble de percussions, joueurs de violon, tapeurs de pieds.

Accès suggérés
En arrivant de l’Ouest : rue Jacques-Parizeau
En arrivant du Nord : rue Louis-Alexandre-Taschereau
En arrivant du sud : avenue Wilfrid-Laurier

Zone C
(Grande Allée Est, entre la rue des Parlementaires et l’avenue Honoré-Mercier)

Programmation du 28 décembre au 1er janvier : Zone déambulatoire

Accès suggérés
En arrivant du Nord : rue Louis-Alexandre-Taschereau
En arrivant de l’Est : Grande Allée Est, par la rue Saint-Louis

Zone D
(Place de l’Assemblée-Nationale et scène du Parlement)

Programmation spéciale du 31 décembre, à compter de 20 h : Spectacles de musique électronique. Dès 23 h : DJ Champion et à minuit, le grand décompte et les feux d'artifice.

Accès suggérés
En arrivant de l’Ouest : Grande Allée Est
En arrivant de l’Est : rue Saint-Louis
En arrivant du Nord : avenue Honoré-Mercier

De plus, la Ville de Québec permettra la consommation d’alcool sur le site des festivités dès 20 h, le 31 décembre. Seules les boissons achetées aux différents points de vente seront permises; les visiteurs ne pourront apporter leurs propres consommations sur le site.

Pour obtenir plus de renseignements, les citoyens sont invités à consulter le

L’autobus pour se rendre au cœur des événements

L’autobus est le meilleur moyen pour accéder au cœur des événements en toute facilité. Les Métrobus 800, 801 et 807 du Réseau de transport de la Capitale (RTC) sont les options à privilégier pour se rendre tout près de la zone des festivités. Le service sera bonifié sur ces parcours grâce à l’ajout d’autobus supplémentaires dès 20 h 30 afin que l’accès au site et le retour à la maison soient rapides et efficaces. Les parcours Couche-tard, qui circuleront selon l’horaire habituel, demeurent un excellent choix pour le retour.

Pour les Métrobus 800 et 801, les zones de montée les plus près du site des festivités sont situées de part et d’autre du boulevard René-Lévesque Est (devant l’édifice Marie-Guyart et Place Québec), tandis que la place D’Youville est l’arrêt indiqué pour le Métrobus 807. Des zones de montée spécifiques aux clients du Service de transport adapté de la Capitale (STAC) seront aménagées sur la rue Jacques-Parizeau près de la rue De La Chevrotière et à l’angle de l’avenue
Honoré-Mercier et du boulevard René-Lévesque Est.

Les participants à la fête auront aussi la chance de monter à bord du Limobus puisqu’il sera en service sur le Métrobus 807 tout au long de la soirée. Ce bus à l’allure d’une limousine sera aménagé pour préparer à la fête!

Pour en savoir plus, la population peut communiquer avec le RTC au 418 627-2511, ou consulter le

Afin de permettre la tenue du Jour de l’An à Québec, la circulation et le stationnement seront perturbés de façon importante dans le secteur des festivités (Grande Allée Est, avenue Honoré-Mercier, rue Jacques Parizeau et avenue Wilfrid-Laurier) entre le mercredi 26 décembre, à 7 h, et le jeudi 3 janvier, à 21 h. La Ville recommande aux automobilistes de prévoir leurs déplacements et de suivre la signalisation de détour et de stationnement mise en place pour l’événement.

De précieux partenaires

La Ville de Québec et Action promotion Grande Allée remercient les partenaires du Jour de l’An à Québec : l’Office du tourisme de Québec, la Commission de la capitale nationale du Québec, la Commission des champs de bataille nationaux, le gouvernement du Québec, Parcs Canada, Sapporo, Rouge FM 107.5 et
Énergie 98.9.

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What Does HTTP 302 Mean?

If you've spent any time on the internet at all, chances are you've encountered an HTTP status code.

In simple terms, HTTP status codes are essentially standard response codes used to show the relationship between all the things that go on in the background when you travel from web page to web page: things like the user agent (i.e., your web browser), the web page you're trying to load, and any third-party web applications you might be running.

Because of the complexity of how all those things interact, there are a ton of possible HTTP status codes you can run up against. HTTP status codes can be used to identify and diagnose the particular blocker preventing you from loading a resource, or give you more information about the journey you took on the way to a page.

What Does HTTP 302 Mean?

One of the most common HTTP status codes is HTTP 302. This status occurs when a resource or page you're attempting to load has been temporarily moved to a different location -- via a 302 redirect.

As opposed to 301 redirects -- which are used to permanently direct users from one location to another -- 302 redirects are temporary. You usually won't notice a 302 redirect if it's set up correctly. The web server serving up the 302 redirect should immediately indicate the new location of the page to your browser, and should send you there right away.

If you want to see when you've encountered a 302 redirect (or any type of redirect), consider using an application or Chrome extension (like this one, Redirect Path). This type of tool will show you directly in your browser when you run into a redirect.

It's important to note that an HTTP 302 status code is caused by the web server you're attempting to reach. It's not an issue with your web browser, or anything you can control on your end of things.

If you're thinking about setting up 302 redirects on your own website, you should know that these types of temporary redirects aren't appreciated by Google. Google's crawler will follow and honor a permanent 301 redirect, but will ignore any temporary 302 redirects you set up. If you want to maintain your search ranking on a page you need to redirect to a new location, opt for a permanent 301 redirect instead.

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Tuto e-commerce - La blockchain et le commerce de détail - Market Academy par Guillaume Sanchez

Tuto e-commerce - La blockchain et le commerce de détail - Market Academy par Guillaume Sanchez
La blockchain et le commerce de détail : Dans ce tuto e-commerce et webmarketing, découvrez comment es commerçants explorent le potentiel de la blockchain pour résoudre une série de challenges liés à la chaîne d’approvisionnement, les paiements, les programmes de fidélité et les données. Vous avez besoin d'un site e-commerce ou d'effectuer la refonte de votre boutique ? Contactez-nous, on vous accompagne dans votre projet web ! Aimez, partagez, commentez, posez vos questions... Et surtout, abonnez-vous à la chaîne pour découvrir nos vidéos formation et nos tutos en temps réel ici : Retrouvez-nous également sur : - Facebook - Twitter - Google + : Merci à tous :) #MarketAcademy , Tuto e-commerce - La blockchain et le commerce de détail - Market Academy par Guillaume Sanchez :
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Thursday, 27 December 2018

5 Infographics to Teach You How to Easily Make Infographics in PowerPoint [Free Templates]

Despite the spattering of headlines that have popped up over the past several years proclaiming "infographics are dead," infographics are, in fact, alive and well.

Infographics aren't just alive and well -- they remain a staple in many business's content strategies. And while there are a lot of them, marketers who spend the time aligning the topic, content, and style of their infographics with the needs and preferences of their target audiences are still finding success among their audience.(And by "success" I mean driving traffic -- and potential leads -- to their websites and generating social buzz through people sharing and commenting.)

As of 2018, the use of infographics among B2B marketers has increased the most of any marketer in the last four years, now at 65%. And according to John Medina, a developmental biology expert, adding an image to written content can increase one's ability to retain that information by 55% (wow).

Download 10 free infographic templates here to help you create professional-looking infographics without a designer.

But how can those who don't necessarily have a design background -- or the budget to commission an agency, hire a dedicated in-house designer, or purchase expensive design software -- create professional-looking infographics that are able to captivate their audiences?

Here's a little secret: You can do it using the software you probably already have installed on your computer. That's right -- PowerPoint can be your best friend when it comes to visual content creation.

To help you get started, we've created 10 fabulous infographic templates you can download and use for free right within PowerPoint. Don't be shy ... download them here.

And in this post, we'll highlight five of the infographic templates from the download and teach you some PowerPoint infographic creation basics along the way. Just be sure to download the PowerPoint templates for yourself so you can easily customize the designs you see below!

5 Infographics That Teach You How to Create an Infographic in PowerPoint

1. How to Create an Infographic Filled With Data

Infographics and data visualization are the peanut butter and jelly of the visual content world.

When you have new data to reveal to the world, you can use an infographic to display that data as part of a cohesive, visual narrative. And that's exactly what the "Data Geek" template is for.

The Data Geek infographic template

We've loaded this template with a variety of different charts and graphs, which you can easily update with your own data. (Just right click on a graph, choose "Edit Data," and you'll be able to customize the values in an Excel spreadsheet.)

Not sure which types of graphs to use for your different data sets? Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Column chart: Use for comparing different categories or for showing changes over time (from left to right).
  • Pie chart: Use for making part-to-whole comparisons. (Note: They work best with small data sets.)
  • Line graph: Use for showing data that changes continuously over time. Ideal for displaying volatility, trends, acceleration, or deceleration.
  • Doughnut chart: Use like a pie chart. This stylistic variation allows you to put a number, graphic, or other visual in the center of the chart.
  • Bar chart: Use like a column chart. (The horizontal bars make it easier to display long category names.)

2. How to Make a Timeline Infographic

Telling the history of a particular industry, product, brand, trend, or tactic can be a great topic for an infographic. And while there are a variety of different ways that you can visualize time -- including in a circle, which is what we did with our Google algorithm updates infographic -- the timeline is by far the most common and easiest design method to use.

Before we describe how to create a timeline via our timeline infographic template, find out below how to design a timeline from scratch using PowerPoint.

1. Select "SmartArt" from the PowerPoint navigation bar.

To make a timeline graphic in PowerPoint, suitable for any infographic, open PowerPoint and click "Insert" from the top navigation bar, as shown below. Then, select the SmartArt icon beneath the navigation bar, where you'll find several categories of graphics to choose from.


2. Find a graphic that fits your data from the Process menu.

There are two categories of graphics that make effective timelines. The first is the Process category. Click this option to expand the graphics menu shown below. To make your selection easier, we've highlighted in red a few of the most fitting timeline-related graphics.


3. Or, select "Alternating Picture Circles" from the Picture menu.

Aside from the Process menu of graphics, you'll also find a viable timeline graphic in the Picture category. Select this category and you'll find the "Alternating Picture Circles" option near the center of the graphics menu. We've highlighted it in red, below.


4. Add or remove timestamps from your timeline graphic.

For the sake of these instructions, we'll use the "Alternating Picture Circles" graphic from the Picture menu. Once you've inserted this graphic into your first PowerPoint slide, you can add or remove circular icons to match how many dates or periods of time your data covers.


5. Insert your data into the graphic.

At this point, the size of your timeline graphic should match the amount of data you have. Begin to fill your timeline with the information you plan to report on using this timeline.

6. Edit the text and imagery of your SmartArt graphic.

As with the other graphics available in PowerPoint's SmartArt, you can edit the text and the images associated with your timeline to your liking. As you can see below, we've edited the years and the images to better represent what happened at each point in time.

To insert images into your timeline graphic, simply right-click the square landscape icon, select a graphic "From File," and upload an image from your computer onto your PowerPoint slide.


Of course, if you're willing to give up a tiny bit of creative freedom for a ton of convenience, you can download the timeline infographic template below -- which opens directly in PowerPoint.

To tell your story with our timeline infographic template below, update the time periods in the center circles, replace the placeholder text, and adjust the visuals and colors to your liking. For those latter adjustments, you can choose "Insert" > "Shape in PowerPoint" to add in different visuals, and use the paint bucket (a.k.a. "color fill") icon to change the colors of different elements.

The Timeline infographic template for PowerPoint

Want to make sure your timeline infographic hits all the right notes? Here are some tips to consider:

  • Research. Research. Research. The best timeline infographics aren't just beautifully designed -- they also tell a great story based on extensive research. So before you start the design phase of your infographic, put in the time to surface the best information possible.
  • Narrow the scope: Timelines that cover hundreds or thousands of years can certainly be interesting, but they can also require weeks or months of research. To keep your sanity, stick with shorter time periods.
  • Keep your copy concise: Infographics are supposed to be visual. If you find yourself writing 100+ words for each date on your timeline, a blog post may be the better content format.

3. How to Design a Totally Hip Infographic

Ok, so "hipness" is definitely in the eye of the beholder. But for this infographic template we wanted to do something that reflected modern design trends, including using banners and arrows.

In terms of content, we provided plenty of space for both stats and copy. There's also a column chart at the bottom. But remember, you can always add different charts and graphs to the template wherever you see fit. Just select "Insert" > "Chart ..." and you'll have several options to choose from.

The Hipster infographic template

To make sure your end result is as hip as possible, here are some design tips to follow:

  • Experiment with new color palettes. There are tons of free color palettes online. Don't believe me? Do a Google image search of "color palette." When you find a palette you like, drag the image directly into your PowerPoint presentation. Next, select the "color fill" bucket, choose "More Colors ..." and click on the eyedropper icon. With the eyedropper tool, you can select colors from your palette and use them for elements in your infographic.
  • Take the time to manipulate shapes. PowerPoint has an extensive library of shapes -- including banners, ribbons, and arrows -- that you can use in your infographic design. By clicking and dragging on the little yellow diamonds that appear on these shapes, you can customize them. For example, you can make the pointy ends of a ribbon longer or shorter, or make the body of an arrow thinner or thicker.

4. How to Create a Flowchart Infographic

Warning: Creating a flowchart-style infographic is not for the faint of heart.

While on the surface a flowchart infographic may appear simple and fun, a lot of thought and planning need to go into making sure the different sections flow into each other in a logical way.

In our flowchart PowerPoint template, we created a basic flowchart structure, with positive responses guiding viewers to a conclusion at the bottom left of the infographic and negative responses guiding viewers to a separate conclusion at the bottom right of the infographic.

The Flowchart infographic template

To ensure your flowchart infographic makes sense and is easy for viewers to navigate, follow these tips:

  • Draw out the branches beforehand. Before you dive into PowerPoint, get out a pen and paper and do a rough outline of your flowchart. Test for weaknesses in your logic by answering questions in every possible combination and seeing where you end up. For best results, have a friend or coworker run through the flowchart too.
  • The smaller the scope, the easier the execution. The more questions or stages you add to your flowchart, the more difficult it will be to create (and the harder it will likely be for viewers to understand). So try to narrow the focus of your flowchart.

5. How to Design an Image-Heavy Infographic

So far, the infographic templates we've looked at have relied primarily on illustrations that you can create within PowerPoint. But of course, there's no reason why you can't bring external photos and other images into your infographic design.

We've created this image-heavy infographic template for that exact purpose. It's great for comparing different categories, ideas, or results, and since you don't need to create or customize a lot of shapes, it's a lot less work.

Image Heavy infographic template

Here are some suggestions for ensuring your image-heavy infographic is easy on the eyes:

  • Use high-quality images. It's better to scale down a big image (e.g. 2,000 pixels by 2,000 pixels) than to scale up a small image (e.g. 20 pixels by 20 pixels) in order to fit a particular space. The latter approach will result in images appearing pixelated and grainy.
  • Use borders. Adding borders to your images will help make them feel like their part of a cohesive design. In PowerPoint, you can control the size, style, and color of borders under the "Format Picture" tab.
  • Save your infographic as a PNG file. This is a best practice for all infographics, but is particularly relevant when publishing an infographic that contains photographs. The PNG extension offers better quality than other options. To save your finished infographic as a PNG file, you simply need to choose "File" > "Save As ..." and select PNG from the dropdown.

What are you waiting for? Grab your free infographic templates so you can start customizing fantastic-looking infographics of your own!

Want to learn more about infographics? Check out 10 Traits of Amazingly Awesome Infographics.

15 free infographic templates in powerpoint

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Incendie dans un garage du boulevard Sainte-Anne

La cuisine enseignée aux enfants

Verglas et pluie verglaçante à venir  

Un bulletin spécial d’Environnement Canada nous annonce qu’un système dépressionnaire s’intensifie sur le Midwest américain et devrait atteindre l’ouest du Québec jeudi soir. Les précipitations associées à ce système débuteront sous forme de neige avant de se changer en pluie verglaçante tôt vendredi matin sur le sud-ouest du Québec ou plus tard en journée sur le centre et le nord-ouest de la province. La pluie verglaçante devrait durer quelques heures, soit jusqu’à ce que le mercure grimpe au-dessus du point de congélation. Il est possible que les surfaces comme les routes et les trottoirs deviennent glacées, glissantes et dangereuses. Évaluez la possibilité de devancer ou de retarder tout déplacement non essentiel.

Dans le secteur de Québec, les surfaces, comme les routes, les rues, les trottoirs et les terrains de stationnement, deviendront glacées, glissantes et dangereuses. Un avertissement de pluie verglaçante est émis lorsque de la pluie tombe pendant que les températures sont inférieures à zéro, ce qui occasionnera des accumulations de verglas.

[Read More ...]

Le père Noël remonte vers son royaume distribuer des cadeaux au Nunavik

9 Important Elements to Include in Your Employee Handbook

An employee handbook is a critical document for setting clear expectations for new employees, providing policies for all employees to follow, and making it easier for you know how to deal with problems with your employees when they arise.

Among other things, your employee handbook should cover everything from dress code and vacation days to your code of conduct and nondiscrimination policies.

Additionally, it should set the tone for what it's like to work at your company -- your employee handbook isn't just a list of "what not to do". It's also a chance to express your company mission statement, and workplace culture.

For instance, maybe you want to allow for casual dress Friday's, to provide your employees the opportunity to feel more comfortable before the weekend. This is an exciting employee benefit, and one you should clearly outline.

Here, we'll cover the nine elements you must include in your employee handbook in an employee handbook template, and provide a sample employee handbook for further inspiration.

Click here to download our free guide to hiring and training a team of all-stars.

Employee Handbook Template

To know what to include in your employee handbook, take a look at our template.

Employee Handbook for [Company Name]

Introduction to company & values.

Here, you'll want to describe your company's history, including when you were founded, by whom, and why. Additionally, you'll want to briefly include your company mission statement, and add some insight into your company culture. What do you prioritize in the workplace? Autonomy, continuous education? Include that here. Essentially, give your new employee the elevator speech of why your company matters, and why they should be excited to be apart of it.

Code of conduct

In this section, you need to give your employees a general overview of information regarding ethics and compliance. Ultimately, a code of conduct allows you to emphasize your company's values, and the desired behavior you wish to foster in your leaders and employees. These rules can allow you to fairly regulate and assess an individual's behavior.

You'll want to include as many specific details as possible -- for instance, let employees know your definition of excessive tardiness, and how tardiness will be disciplined. Alternatively, you might include specific dress code requirements in this section.

Additionally, your code of conduct section will be a reference point for employees when they're dealing with difficult ethical dilemmas in their day-to-day. It's a section that tells them what your company values and considers right from wrong, along with resources for employees when they encounter ethical predicaments.

Equal employment and nondiscrimination policy

The U.S. Department of Labor requires many businesses to include an equal employment and nondiscrimination policy in their employee handbook. Plus, you want each employee to know that discrimination or harassment of any kind won't be tolerated in your workplace. Even just one instance of discrimination can create toxicity for an entire company's culture.

Computers and technology policy

You'll need to make clear what your employees can and can't do with the technology you provide them. Among other things, let employees know whether you have the right to see emails they send on company computers, whether you expect them to avoid social media while on their work computer, and how much privacy they should expect while using company property.

Additionally, you'll want to inform your employees whether certain actions on company technology are fireable offenses.

Compensation and benefits policy

Simply put, your employees want to know about their benefits regarding health care, dental, vision, life insurance, stocks, etc. In this section you can also let them know about benefits such as tuition reimbursement, commuter benefits, parking, employee referral bonuses, and 401(k) plans.

You'll also want to include critical information regarding salary, payroll deductions, and compensation increases for specific job descriptions to convey how each employee can advance their income. Additionally, you'll want to document the payment schedule for each employee (weekly or bi-monthly).

New hire and separation policy

Let your new employees know whether they need to wait to receive their benefits (and how long), what steps need to be taken if an employee wants to quit, and information regarding your progressive discipline policy. By outlining the steps you take for discipline, you're ensuring a level of fairness and establishing prohibited behavior.

You'll also want to outline what an employee is entitled to if they are terminated, and for how long they can expect certain benefits.

Leave policy

It's critical you outline how much paid and unpaid vacation time each employee gets, as well as how much time they get for medical leave and paid family leave, as well as sick time. Some of these policies, such as family medical leave, are enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor, so you'll often need to comply by the same standards as other businesses in your state.

Non-disclosure Agreement and Confidentiality policy

To ensure your employees don't misuse confidential information either regarding your internal operations or your clients, it's critical you outline what you constitute as confidential information. Your business is bound by law to protect certain information, and you'll want to make a list and ensure your employees are aware of what information they can and can't share. Among other things, this likely includes your company's internal business plan, your client's information, and employees' financial account information.

Signature page

A signature page is important for two reasons -- first, it confirms the employee received the handbook, and incentivizes each employee to read it through before signing. Second, if you're ever dealing with a wrongful termination lawsuit, it could help with your defense.

Sample Employee Handbook

While your employee handbook will be undoubtedly unique and particular to your culture and company values, we've created a sample employee handbook to help get you started.

However, many of these sections are too personal and legally sensitive to include in a sample. For instance, when writing a non-disclosure agreement, you'll need to review state and federal laws and will need the guidance of a lawyer.

Employee Handbook for Healthy Tea & Co.

Introduction to company & values.

Welcome to Healthy Tea & Co.!

Started in 2011, Healthy Tea & Co. aims to create healthy, organic tea and drink products and market them to people who want to live healthier lives. Founded by Hannah Jones and Mark Pluto, we pride ourselves on being a workplace that focuses on employee happiness and autonomy, diversity and inclusion, and helps our customers find products on the shelves that are both delicious and nutritious.

What is important to know when joining our team at Healthy Tea & Co.?

We value independence and autonomy, and for that reason, we allow our employees to work either in-office or remotely.

We like to have fun, which is why we have casual-dress Friday's, ping pong tables, and monthly team outings.

We encourage continuous learning and want our employees to seek out growth opportunities, so we offer employee-taught trainings on a variety of topics, tuition reimbursement, and a free book program.

Ultimately, as an employee at Healthy Tea & Co., we expect you to remain honest and trustworthy with your team, willing to think outside the box, and excited to experiment and ask questions about our products and our systems, because we as a company value growth and innovation.

[Code of conduct would go here]

Compensation and benefits policy

The amount of compensation you will receive is provided in your offer letter.

In addition, Healthy Tea & Co. must deduct specific amounts from your paycheck. These mandatory deductions (required by federal law) include:

● Social security (pre-tax)

● Medicare (pre-tax)

● Federal withholding taxes (pre-tax)

● State withholding taxes (pre-tax)

Health & Wellness Benefits include:

[Medical, Dental, and Vision Insurance would go here, as well as Life Insurance, Dependent care, Healthcare Spending Account, Accident Insurance, etc.]

Leave policy

At Healthy Tea & Co., our vacation policy for PTO entails the following:

0-2 years tenure = 15 days

2-5 years tenure = 20 days

6+ years tenure = 30 days

Additionally, in compliance with state laws, we offer 5 sick days, which can be used for personal illness or to take care of a sick family member.

In the U.S., we observe the following holidays:

  • New Year's Day
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Presidents Day
  • Patriots Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

[Financial benefits, such as 401(k) or employee referral bonus, would go here]

[Equal employment and nondiscrimination policy would go here]

[Computers and technology policy]

[Anti-discrimination policy would go here]

I have read all of the provisions of this agreement and I understand, and agree to, each of such provisions, effective as of the date first entered above. 

________________ (sign here)

________________ (date)

Code of Conduct Samples

To ensure you have all the inspiration you need to create your own code of conduct section in your employee handbook, take a look at some of these inspiring company code of conducts':

learn how to hire an all-star marketing team
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Capitale-Nationale – Sept médailles pour le jour 1 des compétitions

MÉDAILLES. Le karaté a retenu particulièrement l’attention de la délégation de la Capitale-Nationale, hier, puisque des athlètes de cette di...